Betty the Killer

Betty Best was a normal girl in school. She was very beautiful and had the largest boobs in the school and had black hair that fell to the floor….except there was one problem – she had cat ears.  For whatever reason, they made fun of her breasts and would call her and not her ears because every so often they would bounce uncontrollably when she twitched. At least it wasn’t the cat ears. Everyone likes cat ears, so she was lucky.
They would tease her and call her Breasty Betty all day and the teachers did nothing to stop them. She was constantly made fun of for her jiggling breasts when they spazzed out. They would poke them and they would twitch and the kids would laugh at her. She would cry, screaming for them to stop, but they wouldn’t because they were bullies and enjoyed it.
One day in the school yard three boys approached her with giant grins on their faces.
“Well, well, well, look what we have here,” said one of the boys. “We have two coconuts we can crack open.”
“Shut up, you’re just mean bullies!” screamed Betty.
“That’s why we’re in the story, Breasty!” said one of the other boys.
“Get her, boys.”
All three of the boys brought out hammers and were prepared to attack her when all of a sudden she felt this sudden burst of godlike energy pulsing through her veins and attacked the three boys with near impossible power. She kicked, her boobs jiggling like two sticky melons, and she bit down on all of them at once with her powerful cat teeth and broke one of the boys’ arms with a single flick of her finger. They ran with their pants wet with pee and tears in their eyes.
“We shall exact our revenge on you!” they said as they ran off.
Later that evening she was at home and her parents were both at work. She was watching ''Spongebob Squarepants'' and watching the episode where Patrick calls Spongebob Spongeboob by mistake and she felt sad. She was sad over her giant breasts and the fact Patrick mentioned them. She curled up and cried. She was upset over her large boobs and the way everyone made fun of her for them. She just wanted normal sized boobs like all the other girls. She didn’t want them to twitch uncontrollably. She was sad and she sat there crying when all of a sudden…
THE THREE KIDS CAME BURSTING THROUGH THE WINDOW, each holding a machine gun! They were smiling because they were bullies and this was their only purpose in the story.
“Time to die, motherfucker!” screamed one of the boys and she shot his machine gun through the air like a madman. “Eat my bullets!”
She grabbed the knife that was sitting next to her the entire time and was prepared to fight the bullies again. She looked at them with a malicious grin that came from nowhere.
“Do you honestly think that stupid little knife will help you? You are no match for us! Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahhhahahaaaah!”
“Oh, but you forgot one thing,” she said as she approached the three boys and they didn’t fire their guns. “I have CAT EARS!”
Her cat ears stretched like tentacles and grabbed the three boys by the legs and hung them upside down. They gave up and didn’t fire their guns because they knew their life was over. She threw them against the wall and one by one she took her knife and cut off each of their heads, blood squirting everywhere and flooding the room in a matter of seconds.
She cackled maniacally at the sight of the blood, licking the blood off her knife and enjoying the sweet cherrylicous flavor. She ran upstairs. She was going to enjoy this beautiful sight even more from now on. She wanted to see more blood because it was so beautiful and gorgeous. She went to her bedroom, grabbing her favorite stuffed donkey. She ripped open the felt on the ass and pulled out the cotton, inserting the knife into its butthole with the sharp end pointing out. She would always have her baby donkey with her and he would help her kill and make beautiful blood.
She grinned, picking up one of her old Barbie dolls, and went to the bathroom and smile into the mirror with a wide grin. She took the donkey and pressed its ass into her eye, carving out the eye like layers of onions and let it fall to the floor. She popped the doll’s head off with ease and shoved the doll’s head into the now open socket and laughed stupendously as she admired her super sexy new look.
“I am the Doll Maker!” She laughed throwing her hands up into the air like a comic book villain. “But there’s one thing missing.”
She took the ass knife and pressed it to the side of her face cutting off her cheek and letting the flesh fall to the floor and did the same to the other side. This was much better than a smile. Now it would looks like she was blushing all the time. Now she was the ultimate cute cat of evilness!
She heard the police banging on the door. Somehow they had already found her out and were coming to take her away to the madhouse where she would be tied up forever because of her insanity. She ran to the back of the hall and crashed through the window falling down ten stories as she landed perfectly on her feet like a perfect kitty cat.
Skipping all the good parts of the story where she runs around the forest and wanders around doing nothing but running for days and she wrestles a bear and wins by crushing it with her big boobs and survives by eating dirt and magic berries and the police can’t track her down she finds an abandoned warehouse and enters it cautiously.
She wanders around for her while, her breasts twitching as she cautiously continued with caution while her mind was cautioning herself. There, standing at the end of the hall was the sexiest man she had ever seen. It was like love at first sight. He had the super sexy face that fangirls just adored. He had unblinking eyes and he should be blind but she loved them anyway. His hair was over exaggerated like a divine horse mane and his white hoodie brought out his fabulousity.
He was looking right down at her twitchy boobs and he smiled when he saw the biggest juicy chicken breasts he had ever seen and he just wanted to insanity eat them right up with ranch sauce.
“Well hello there babe!” he greeted. “Name’s Jeff the Killer, but my friends call me a douchebag. You know, BEN, Slender, and whatever the other pastas are. I don’t know their names.
“That’s okay. I only know the names that I’m overly obsessed with.”
They locked eyes and then they realized that they loved each other and they approached each other and began kissing.
“Babe, you haven’t even told me your name, but now I realize that you are the most beautiful thing in the world and I want you to be my sexy babe.”
Jeff pulled out chains from out of his hoodie pocket that he happened to be carrying and she squealed in delight. “Oh Jeff!”
But the moment did not last. The police found her hiding location and came rushing in like a heard of wildebeest. They held guns and shields and they all had serious police faces on.
“The police are here! We will tase you if you don’t cooperate!"
Being criminals they ran away and dodged every bullet that they shot at them and ran to the back of the warehouse. Betty blushed as Jeff held her hand and took her throughout the building to try and find her safety. They ended up running outside but there were police waiting for them there too and they all had their cop cars parked out on the grass and there were about forty of the officers standing out there who also had guns and shields.
“Jeff what are we going to do?”
“Hang in there babe, I know what to do.”
Jeff walked up to the cops with a badass grin in slow motion like they do in the movies, holding his knife in his hand. The police shot at him but the bullets bounced off of him like little butterflies fluttering in the wind. There was nothing that was going to take Jeff down and all the police were going to face his knife and die. Jeff charged at them slashing up every single one of their throats with the knife and blood flung into the air like a cherry cola fountain and spewed around like a relieving piss. He cut down every single officer repeating his catchphrase, ‘got to sleep’ each time he killed one and enjoyed every single bit of it and he laughed while Betty just cowered there scared in her cowardice.
Except there was one police officer left and he had a scarf and a scar across his face and beautiful green eyes and brown hair and he had this serious face and didn’t even smile. Jeff’s knife fell to the ground in awe as he saw someone he hadn’t seen in a long time and he began to laugh in happiness.
“Liu!” shouted Jeff, running up to him and kissing him and Liu returned the kiss and the kissed and kissed and kissed until they couldn’t kiss no more.
Betty was in complete shock. “What?”
“Who is that, Jeff?”
“Oh, that’s just some whore.”
“What?” she cried. “I thought you loved me!”
“Oh Betty,” he cackled, twirling his knife around and around the merry-go-round. “Don’t you know I’m in love with Liu?”
Betty didn’t have time to respond as a knife was directly thrown into her heart and she collapsed to the ground and died in an instant and the blood seeped all over the place as she took her last breath and died.
Liu cuddled Jeff again with a beaming smile on his scared face. “Where will we go now, my beautiful goddess?”
Jeff smiled back.
“We’re going to Didney Wurl.”